リジョブ - 美容業界(美容師,ネイリスト,整体師,アイリスト,ヨガ,エステ等)の求人・お仕事探し

by REJOB Co., Ltd.



"Rejob" is a recruiting app specializing in beauticians, nail technicians, esthetics, eyelists, judo rehabilitators, acupuncturists, etc.nOver 24,000 jobs, one of the largest in the industry, are waiting for you.

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「リジョブ」は美容師・ネイリスト・エステ・セラピスト・アロマテラピーセラピスト・アイリスト・柔道整復師・鍼灸師・あん摩マッサージ指圧師・整体師・理容師・スポーツインストラクター・ヨガインストラクターに特化した求人・転職・仕事探しアプリ。業界最大級の24,000件以上のお仕事があなたを待っています。女性の転職を支援しております!求人検索、応募、応募先とのメッセ―ジのやりとり、面接の調整などが可能です。※本アプリは、サービス提供元サイトにおける求職様向けのアプリになります。https://relax-job.com/■掲載がある職種一覧・美容師・理容師・ネイリスト・アイリスト・美容部員等の美容系・エステ・アロマテラピー・セラピストなどのリラクゼーション系・鍼灸師・整体師・柔道整復師・あん摩マッサージ指圧師などの治療系・スポーツインストラクター・ヨガインストラクターなどのインストラクター系など、男性・女性の転職を手厚くサポートしております。【主な機能】■簡単!メッセンジャー機能見やすいデザインと簡単な入力!応募先とチャット型式で、スムーズな連絡ができます。■ご希望の条件で求人検索 検索・応募機能!美容・リラクゼーション・治療など、職種別の他、詳細条件で求人を検索できます。気になる求人をキープして、複数応募も可能!■大事な連絡を見逃さない! 通知機能応募先からのメッセージ、面接連絡など、プッシュ通知でお知らせします!【「リジョブ」はこんな方にオススメ!】■美容師・国家試験を受験中・資格の取得中で、新たな美容院を探している方・今よりももっと月収が高い美容院を探している方・現在専門学校に通学中で、自分で望む美容院を探している方・レセプションとして美容院に働いてみたい方・管理美容師や着付け技能士、ネイリストとしても美容院・美容室で働きたい方・現職場の人間関係に悩んでおり、新たな美容院・美容室の求人を探している方・土日休みで働ける美容院・美容室を探している美容師の方・育児をしており、時間限定で働ける美容院・美容室を探している美容師の方・求人アプリで、美容師の求人を探して転職したい美容師の方・正社員として美容師の求人を探して転職したい美容師の方・職場での女性同士の人間関係にお困りで転職したい美容師の方■柔道整復師・整骨院・接骨院で柔道整復師として働きたい方・今よりももっと月収が高い勤務先を探している柔道整復師の方・現職場の人間関係に悩んでおり、新たな勤務先を探している方・整形外科等の病院で柔道整復師として働きたい方・介護施設にて、柔道整復師として体に不自由のある方の支えとなりたい方・土日休みで働ける整骨院・接骨院・病院等を探している柔道整復師の方・育児をしており、時間限定で働ける勤務先を探している柔道整復師の方・求人アプリで、柔道整復師の仕事を探している方・正社員として柔道整復師の仕事を探している方・職場での女性同士の人間関係にお困りで転職したい柔道整復師の方■セラピスト・ボディ系の、アロマやリフレクソロジーの領域でセラピストとして活躍したい方・今よりももっと月収が高いエステサロンを探している方・今よりももっと月収が高い整骨院・接骨院を探している方・心理系の、カウンセラーなどメンタルケアのセラピストとして仕事をお探しの方・現職場の人間関係に悩んでおり、新たなマッサージ店や整骨院・接骨院を探している方・もっと技術レベルの高いセラピストがいる勤務先を見てみたい方・土日休みで働ける条件の仕事を探したいセラピストの方・育児をしており、時間限定で働けるセラピストの仕事を探している方・求人アプリで、セラピストの仕事を探している方・正社員としてセラピストの仕事を探している方■ヨガ・ヨガ・もしくはヨガインストラクターの仕事を探している方・新たにヨガスタジオ・ヨガスクールをお探しの方・新たなヨガスタジオ・ヨガスクールの新店情報をお探しの方・フリーとして所属できるヨガスタジオを探しているヨガインストラクターの方・もっと技術レベルの高いヨガインストラクターがいるジム等に転職したい方・土日休みで働けるヨガスタジオ・ヨガスクールを探している方・育児をしており、時間限定で働けるヨガスタジオ・ヨガスクールを探しているヨガインストラクターの方・求人アプリで、ヨガの仕事を探している方・正社員としてヨガの仕事を探している方・業務委託としてヨガの仕事を探している方・職場での女性同士の人間関係にお困りで転職したい方・ヨガに関わるお仕事をしている方と出会いたい方■ネイリスト・新たにネイルサロン、もしくは美容院での仕事を探しているネイリストの方・今よりももっと月収が高いサロンを探している方・JNA認定講師の資格を取得中で、著名なネイルサロン・美容院で働きたいネイリストの方・レセプションとしてネイルサロンに働いてみたい方・ネイリストとして開業をご検討されている方・現職場の人間関係に悩んでおり、新たなネイルサロンを探しているネイリストの方・もっと技術レベルの高いネイリストがいる勤務先を見てみたい方・土日休みで働けるネイルサロンを探している方・育児をしており、時間限定で働けるネイルサロンを探している方・求人アプリで、ネイリストの仕事を探している方・正社員としてネイリストの仕事を探している方■アイリスト・美容師免許の取得中で、アイリストとして働いていきたい方・今よりももっと月収が高いサロンを探しているアイリストの方・現在専門学校に通学中で、利便性の高いエリアのサロンを探している方・現職場の人間関係に悩んでおり、新たなアイラッシュサロンを探しているアイリストの方・もっと技術レベルの高いアイリストがいるサロンを見てみたい方・土日休みで働けるアイラッシュサロンを探しているアイリストの方・育児をしており、時間限定で働けるサロンを探している方・求人アプリで、アイリストの仕事を探している方・正社員としてアイリストの仕事を探している方・業務委託としてアイリストの仕事を探している方・フリーランスとしてアイリストの仕事を探している方・職場での女性同士の人間関係にお困りでアイリストの仕事を探している方■エステ・認定エステティシャン(一般社団法人日本エステティック協会)をお持ちで、新たな勤務先を探している方・AEA認定エステティシャン(一般社団法人日本エステティック業協会)をお持ちで、新たな勤務先を探している方・お客様が抱えるコンプレックスを、カウンセリングや施術で解決していきたいエステティシャンの方・現職場の人間関係に悩んでおり、新たな勤務先を探している方・もっと技術レベルの高いエステティシャンがいる求人を探している方・土日休みで働ける勤務先を探しているエステティシャンの方・育児をしており、時間限定で働ける勤務先を探しているエステティシャン方・求人アプリで、エステの仕事を探しているエステティシャンの方・正社員としてエステの仕事を探している方■マッサージ・国家資格であるあん摩マッサージ指圧師の資格をお持ちの方・あん摩マッサージ指圧師ではなく、それ以外のマッサージ師のお仕事を探している方・現職場の人間関係に悩んでおり、新たな店舗や勤務先などを探しているマッサージ師の方・技術レベルの高いマッサージ師がいる勤務先を探したい方・土日休みで働けるマッサージ師の求人を探している方・育児をしており、時間限定で働きたいマッサージ師の方・求人アプリで、マッサージの仕事を探している方・正社員としてマッサージの仕事を探している方・業務委託としてマッサージの仕事を探している方■鍼灸師・「はり師」・「きゅう師」の国家資格をすでに取得されており、新たな求人を探している鍼灸師の方・病院で勤務したい鍼灸師の方・将来開業を検討しており、もっと技術レベルの高い鍼灸師がいる整形外科や店舗を探している鍼灸師の方・スポーツに関わりながら鍼灸師をやれる職場を探している方・育児をしており、時間限定で働ける病院や勤務先を探している鍼灸師の方・求人アプリで、「鍼灸師 仕事」「鍼灸師 求人」と検索している方・正社員として鍼灸師の仕事を探している方・業務委託として鍼灸師の仕事を探している方■美容部員・現在のブランドと合わず、別の化粧品ブランドで働きたい方・国内大手メーカーへの転職を検討している美容部員の方・外資系メーカーへの転職を検討している美容部員の方・もっと技術レベルの高い美容部員がいる店舗やブランドを見てみたい方・土日休みで働ける、条件の良いブランドや店舗を探している美容部員の方・育児をしており、時間限定で働けるブランドや店舗を探している方・求人アプリで、美容部員の仕事を探している方・正社員として美容部員の仕事を探している方※本アプリは、企業様向けアプリ「Rejob Adminアプリ」とは、一部機能連動をしておりません(介護求人など) 機能連動は、順次バージョンアップで対応予定です。■リジョブ利用約款https://client.relax-job.com/auth/login■プライバシーポリシーhttps://relax-job.com/info/privacypolicy■免責事項・特定商取引https://relax-job.com/info/law"Rejob" is a job offer / change of job specializing in beauticians, nail technicians, esthetics, therapists, aromatherapy therapists, eyelists, judo rehabilitators, acupuncturists, masseurs, acupuncturists, barbers, sports instructors, and yoga instructors.・ Job search app. Over 24,000 jobs, one of the largest in the industry, are waiting for you. We support women to change jobs!You can search for jobs, apply, exchange messages with applicants, and coordinate interviews.* This app is for job seekers on the service provider site.https://relax-job.com/■ List of occupations listed・ Cosmetologists, barbers, nail technicians, eyelists, cosmetologists, etc.・ Relaxation systems such as esthetics, aromatherapy, and therapists・ Acupuncturist, chiropractor, judo rehabilitator, masseuse, etc.・ Instructors such as sports instructors and yoga instructorsWe provide generous support for men and women to change jobs.[Main functions]■ Easy! Messenger functionEasy-to-read design and easy input!You can communicate smoothly with the applicant by chat type.■ Job search search / application function based on your desired conditions!Beauty, relaxation, treatment, etc.In addition to job type, you can search for jobs by detailed conditions.You can apply for multiple jobs by keeping the jobs you are interested in!■ Dont miss important contacts! Notification functionMessages from applicants, interview contacts, etc.We will notify you by push notification!["Rejob" is recommended for people like this! ]■ Hairdresser・ Those who are taking the national examination or are acquiring qualifications and are looking for a new hair dressing shop・ Those who are looking for a beauty salon with a higher monthly income than now・ Those who are currently attending a vocational school and are looking for a beauty salon that they want.・ Those who want to work at a beauty salon as a reception・ Those who want to work at a beauty salon / beauty salon as a management beautician, dressing technician, or nail technician・ Those who are worried about the relationships in their current workplace and are looking for a job at a new cosmetology shop / cosmetology shop.・ Cosmetologists looking for a cosmetologist / cosmetologist who can work on weekends・ Hairdressers who are raising children and are looking for a cosmetologist / cosmetologist who can work for a limited time・ For beauticians who want to find a job for a beautician and change jobs with the recruitment app・ Cosmetologists who want to change jobs as full-time employees looking for a job as a beautician・ Cosmetologists who want to change jobs due to problems with the relationships between women in the workplace■ Judo rehabilitation teacher・ Those who want to work as a Judo rehabilitator at an osteopathic clinic / osteopathic clinic・ Judo rehabilitation teachers looking for a place to work with a higher monthly income than now・ Those who are worried about the relationships in their current workplace and are looking for a new place to work・ Those who want to work as a Judo rehabilitator at a hospital such as orthopedics・ Those who want to support people with physical disabilities as a Judo rehabilitation teacher at a long-term care facility・ Judo rehabilitation teachers looking for osteopathic clinics, osteopathic clinics, hospitals, etc. that can work on weekends and holidays・ Judo rehabilitation teachers who are raising children and are looking for a place to work for a limited time・ Those who are looking for a job as a Judo rehabilitation teacher with the recruitment app・ Those who are looking for a job as a Judo rehabilitation teacher as a full-time employee・ Judo rehabilitation teachers who want to change jobs due to problems with the relationships between women in the workplace■ Therapist・ Those who want to play an active role as a therapist in the field of body-related aroma and reflexology・ Those who are looking for an esthetic salon with a higher monthly income than now・ Those who are looking for an osteopathic clinic or osteopathic clinic with a higher monthly income than now・ Psychological, counselor and other mental care therapists looking for a job・ Those who are worried about the relationships in their current workplace and are looking for a new massage shop, osteopathic clinic, or osteopathic clinic.・ Those who want to see the workplace where there is a therapist with a higher technical level・ Therapists who want to find a job with conditions that allow them to work on weekends and holidays・ Those who are raising children and are looking for a therapist job that can work for a limited time・ Those who are looking for a therapist job with the recruiting app・ Those who are looking for a therapist job as a full-time employee■ Yoga・ Those who are looking for a yoga or yoga instructor job・ Those who are looking for a new yoga studio / yoga school・ Those who are looking for new store information for new yoga studios and yoga schools・ Yoga instructors who are looking for a yoga studio to belong to as a freelancer・ Those who want to change jobs to a gym with a yoga instructor with a higher skill level・ Those who are looking for a yoga studio / yoga school where they can work on weekends and holidays・ Yoga instructors who are raising children and are looking for a yoga studio or yoga school where they can work for a limited time.・ Those who are looking for a yoga job with the recruitment app・ Those who are looking for a yoga job as a full-time employee・ Those who are looking for a yoga job as a business consignment・ Those who want to change jobs due to problems with the relationships between women in the workplace・ Those who want to meet people who work in yoga■ Nail technician・ Nail technicians looking for a new job at a nail salon or beauty salon・ Those who are looking for a salon with a higher monthly income than now・ Nail technicians who are acquiring JNA certified instructor qualifications and want to work at a well-known nail salon / cosmetology salon・ Those who want to work at a nail salon as a reception・ Those who are considering opening a business as a nail technician・ Nail technicians who are worried about the relationships in their current workplace and are looking for a new nail salon・ Those who want to see the workplace where there is a nail technician with a higher technical level・ Those who are looking for a nail salon where they can work on weekends・ Those who are raising children and are looking for a nail salon where they can work for a limited time・ Those who are looking for a job as a nail technician with the recruiting app・ Those who are looking for a nail technician job as a full-time employee■ Eyelist・ Those who are obtaining a beautician license and want to work as an eyelist・ Eyelists looking for a salon with a higher monthly income than now・ Those who are currently attending a vocational school and are looking for a salon in a highly convenient area.・ Eyelists who are worried about the relationships in their current workplace and are looking for a new eyelash salon・ Those who want to see a salon with more technical eyelists・ Eyelists looking for an eyelash salon where they can work on weekends・ Those who are raising children and are looking for a salon where they can work for a limited time・ Those who are looking for an eyelist job with the recruiting app・ Those who are looking for an eyelist job as a full-time employee・ Those who are looking for an eyelist job as outsourcing・ Those who are looking for an eyelist job as a freelancer・ Those who are looking for an eyelist job due to problems with the relationships between women at work■ Esthetic・ Those who have a certified esthetician (Japan Esthetic Association) and are looking for a new place of employment・ Those who have an AEA certified esthetician (Japan Esthetic Industry Association) and are looking for a new place of employment・ Beauticians who want to solve the complex they have with counseling and treatment・ Those who are worried about the relationships in their current workplace and are looking for a new place to work・ Those who are looking for a job with a higher technical level beautician・ Beauticians looking for a place to work on weekends・ Estheticians who are raising children and are looking for a place to work for a limited time・ Estheticians who are looking for an esthetic job with the recruitment app・ Those who are looking for an esthetic job as a full-time employee■ Massage・ Those who have the national qualification of Anma Massage Shiatsushi・ Those who are looking for a job as a masseuse other than Anma Massage Shiatsushi・ Masseurs who are worried about the relationships in their current workplace and are looking for a new store or place of employment.・ Those who want to find a place of work with a highly skilled masseuse・ Those who are looking for a job for a masseuse who can work on weekends・ Masseurs who are raising children and want to work for a limited time・ Those who are looking for a massage job with the recruitment app・ Those who are looking for a massage job as a full-time employee・ Those who are looking for a massage job as a business consignment■ Acupuncturist・ Acupuncturists who have already obtained national qualifications for "Acupuncturist" and "Moxibutionist" and are looking for new jobs.・ Acupuncturists who want to work at a hospital・ Acupuncturists who are considering opening a business in the future and are looking for an orthopedic surgeon or a store with a higher technical level acupuncturist・ Those who are looking for a workplace where they can work as an acupuncturist while being involved in sports・ Acupuncturists who are raising children and are looking for a hospital or office where they can work for a limited time.・ Those who are searching for "acupuncturist work" and "acupuncturist job offer" in the recruitment app・ Those who are looking for a job as an acupuncturist as a full-time employee・ Those who are looking for a job as an acupuncturist as an outsourcer■ Beauty staff・ Those who want to work for another cosmetics brand that does not match the current brand・ Beauty staff who are considering changing jobs to a major domestic manufacturer・ Beauty staff who are considering changing jobs to a foreign-affiliated manufacturer・ Those who want to see stores and brands that have beauty staff with a higher technical level・ Beauty staff who are looking for a brand or store with good conditions that can work on weekends and holidays・ Those who are raising children and are looking for a brand or store where they can work for a limited time.・ Those who are looking for a job as a cosmetologist with the recruitment app・ Those who are looking for a job as a beauty member as a full-time employee* This app does not have some functions linked with the corporate app "Rejob Admin app" (such as long-term care recruitment). Function linking will be supported by version upgrades.■ Rejob Terms of Usehttps://client.relax-job.com/auth/login■ Privacy policyhttps://relax-job.com/info/privacypolicy■ Disclaimer ・ Specified commercial transactionhttps://relax-job.com/info/law